Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Program Literasi Baca Trasak (LIBATRA) dalam Meningkatkan Minat Baca dan Belajar Anak
Empowerment, LIBATRA, Reading, LearningAbstract
In this case community empowerment is carried out in Trasak Village. Trasak Village is in one of empowered village, because it’s include in strategic geographical location on the outskirts of Pamekasan city, as well as the economic, social, religious, cultural and educational aspects of Trasak Village which is developing and modern zone. It is categorized as advanced village in terms of economic sector which has quite good assets, such as cigarette factories, tofu factories and small and medium business units such as furniture, shops and so on run by the people of Trasak Village. Likewise, in the social and religious fields Trasak Village has a sense of community solidarity and tolerance is clearly visible. such as tilik, tahlilan for someone who passed away, Ngelayat, pengajian, khataman, and other Islamic holiday activities in which togetherness and solidarity between individual and another is closely intertwined. In the field of education, Trasak Village is categorized as advanced village because there are several foundations or educational institutions at both primary and secondary levels that have been established. However, from the results of the observations, there are several educational institutions that do not yet appear to have reading facilities or literacy such as libraries that are adequate to support children's learning and interest in reading, whereas looking at the intensity of learning and children's competence, both affective, cognitive and psychomotor, is quite high, for this reason community empowerment This article focuses on Community Empowerment through the LIBATRA Program in Increasing Children's Interest in Reading and Learning in Trasak Village, Larangan District, Pamekasan Regency.